Sunday 7 December 2008

Zoneminder local raw stream viewer working

Finally got it working, I had a earlier attempt at it but lost interests after running into problems.

Here's how I got it to work (once you know how it's really simpel):

Downloaded this file:
wget (the one without OpenGL for this older embedded intel card)

Installed Xvideo dev files:
sudo apt-get install libxv-dev

sudo nano xlib_shm.c
And changed /usr/local/etc/zm.conf into /etc/zm/zm.conf

sudo make all

Place the binary xlib_shm in /usr/sbin/

Ran the new binary with four monitors and the shared memory ID used by our Zoneminder installation.
sudo ./xlib_shm -m 1 -m 23 -m 11 -m 12 -k 0x7a6d0000

It worked! Excellent!!!

Now some sort of way to start this automatically when the server boots up, at the moment the desktop user does not have the right permission. I must be doing something wrong somewhere.

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